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The first step is asking why

When toddlers constantly ask why they are curious about the world around them. At that age, the world is a big, scary place. They rely on adults to help them make sense of it all. However, adults become exhausted with the barrage of whys that send us down rabbit holes. Or the toddler’s questions are stifled because the answers are difficult, or we just do not know the answer.

Although the transition can be the catalyst for change, the why questions come flooding, much like the toddler. We want to understand the world around us and our place in it. For adults, our why is synonymous with purpose. The why is what motivates and excites you. It is what keeps you going when times get tough. That force drives you to be the best version of yourself, that is, your authentic self.

Over my career, I have talked to many adult learners who were thinking about starting a degree or finishing a degree once abandoned. Of course, all cite some life transitions such as changes in employment, becoming an empty nester, or the desire to improve themselves. At its core, however, is this intrinsic need to find their answer to why.

When we ask why, we are embracing that toddler that wants to make sense of our world, the outside world and the one within us. We want to understand who we are and what makes us unique. It empowers us to search within to find those answers. And, it's ok not to know the answers right away.

Finding your why is the first step to discovering our passions and true self. But how do we find it? And what do we do with it when we find it?

In my next post, I will share with you some ways that you can find your why.

Keep shining!

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